
Welcome to Capitol Commission Nevada.
May God bless you for your concern of our government leaders who are committed to serving the people of the great state of Nevada.
Our leaders have an awesome responsibility to justly govern by upholding the Constitution of the United States and the State of Nevada. It is a difficult task that can present many challenges and temptations for our leaders.
You and I can help them. In fact, we are commanded to do so by offering “supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving for them, (…) so that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.” (I Tim. 2:1-2)
The ministry mission of Capitol Commission is to share the good news of Jesus Christ with our legislative leaders. Critical to this mission is fervent prayer for, maintaining a presence with and proclaiming the truth of Jesus to our state and local leaders.
• Prayer– We pray for all and with any of our political leaders. We also host prayer events.
• Presence – We create special opportunities that bring faith leaders together with our legislative leaders, giving hope behind the scenes.
• Proclamation – We boldly present the good news of Jesus’ love and forgiveness. We provide Bible studies to legislators and staff.
Please be in prayer for our leaders, their families and staff, and for our ministry. Would you also prayerfully consider how you and/or your church might partner with us in fulfilling the Great Commission in our Nevada Capitol?
Ron McMillin
State Minister
State Minister
Back in Session

P.O. Box 727 • Genoa, NV 89411
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