Board of Directors
Gary de Graaf
Chairman of the Board

Director / Shawnee, OK
Mike Massey is the pastor of Shawnee Bible Church and the director of Grace Biblical Counseling, both in Shawnee, Oklahoma. He came to Christ as a senior in high school as the result of the evangelistic efforts of a good friend over the course of several years. Mike and his wife, Dawnda, met in college and married in 1984. They have ten children, most of them are married now with kids of their own.
Mike was born in Oklahoma and has lived there most of his life. He has also ministered in Iowa, Texas, Indiana, and Alaska.
He has earned graduate degrees from The Criswell College (M. Div.), the Master’s College (M.A.B.C.), and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (D. Min.). Mike loves to minister the Word of God from the pulpit on Sunday mornings or across the counseling table during the week.
Director / Cicero, IN
P. Eric Turner became a Christian in high school.
Eric served for 25 years in the Indiana House of Representatives and was the Speaker Pro-Tempore until his retirement in 2014.
During his time in the Indiana House, he helped organize, and participated in, the Indiana Legislators Bible Study.
Since his retirement from the Legislature, he has traveled with EQUIP, a Christian ministry based in Atlanta, Georgia, teaching leadership principles to pastors and leaders in the church throughout the world.
Eric and all four of his children are graduates of Taylor University. He remains active in the university’s development, as a member of the Taylor Board of Trustees. Eric and his wife, Cyndy, have been married for 51 years, reside in Cicero, Indiana, and have 20 grandchildren.
Director / Lexington, KY
At the age of 38, Ron entered vocational ministry, after a long career in the marketplace. He has served 5 churches in 21 years (4 established churches and 2 church plants) – as well as multiple shorter-term interim roles. His business experience made him more aware of the daily struggles of the people in the pews, so he spends a lot of time in and focusing on the needs of the community.
Ron also served as CEO of Leadership Network, an organization that convenes innovative leaders and churches in collaborative conversations to accelerate growth and innovation. He has served on dozens of non-profit boards at the local, state and national levels. Further enhancing his career experience, Ron once served as city councilperson, vice-mayor, and chair of the finance committee for a mid-sized city.
Ron and his wife Cheryl, an accountant by trade, have two grown sons – both married and in ministry – and four granddaughters.
Director / Asheville, NC
Pastor Neil Montgomery is the Lead Teaching Pastor and an Elder at GracePoint Church located in Asheville, North Carolina.
President / Raleigh, NC
Brad has passionately lived out God’s call to reach leaders. He embraces God’s commission to represent Christ in each Capitol community ministering to the personal and spiritual needs of our leaders.
The Lord has blessed Brad with a wonderful wife, Robin. Brad and Robin have four children and nine grandchildren. Above all, they are most thankful to see their children following Christ in their lives.
Brad and Robin met at college and have served Christ together the past forty years. Brad is an Ordained Pastor and has served as Pastor in Ohio, Michigan, and most recently for over 13 years at The Shepherd’s Church in Cary, North Carolina.
Brad has an earned doctorate in counseling from Westminster, Philadelphia, Pa. He has served as an adjunct professor at Shepherds Theological Seminary, Cary, NC. He teaches and preaches regularly to churches and groups across America.
God has used years of secular work in engineering to burden and deepen Brad’s heart to be compassionate for people. In the local church and community, he has both taught and exampled evangelism and community outreach. He has developed several ministries including a Carpenters for Christ ministry. Brad led six Carpenters for Christ mission teams to build church or ministry projects in the Eastern United States. Internationally, he has led five teams to Kenya, Africa, teaching pastor conferences, medical missions and prison ministry.
His heart passion is to counsel, teach and preach the word of God and share the good news of Christ.
He is excited about God’s call to serve as President of Capitol Commission. He realizes that it is not about him, it is about exalting Christ and presenting to our world’s leaders the hope and guidance God’s word brings!