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Welcome to Capitol Commission Missouri!

I am thankful to God for the opportunity to serve as Missouri State Minister with Capitol Commission. For more than 24 years I’ve served as pastor to several congregations. In the Lord’s timing, He has orchestrated a “new congregation”, to our state leaders.

Capitol Commission Missouri is a cross-denominational, non-partisan ministry to the statehouse that teaches in-depth Bible studies. These are designed specifically for legislators, staff, lobbyists and other key leaders within the political arena regardless of party affiliation. To make disciples is a primary commitment of ours. We meet personally with our government leaders to develop authentic relationships: as the Word of God is shared, biblical coaching is offered, and friendship is presented. The underpinning of this ministry is built upon prayer. We understand that only what God builds by the living Word and by the power of the Spirit will last.

Although this ministry takes place in a political context, we pastor people not politics, to love and lead state leaders, and to bear truth and grace to the capitol community. Lawmakers largely set the course for our state government by their political persuasion. When legislators come to faith in Jesus they make decisions based on biblical values. Consider how one state, led by Christian spiritual leaders, can shift our nation toward a biblical worldview. We have the potential to impact our state and our nation with the Gospel of Christ.

A biblical community of faith must act as a support system for legislators that follow Christ. Capitol Commission Missouri is one of those support systems. Another is the local church, the business community and the individuals that tell the story about this ministry. Supporting the work financially, and praying for our government leaders are critical for political decisions to be made in light of biblical values. Join us as we establish a statewide network of involved believers.

This is a “by faith” ministry. In essence it is a missionary endeavor to our state capitol, a vital mission field. We hope you will consider partnering with us in this way.

I am also happy to speak to your church or group about what God is doing in the political arena or about any biblical topic. Contact me anytime. I would love to hear from you!

One last thing, the Lord has led me to pray for 1100 prayer partners signifying 3 different people per day praying for 365 days (Eccl. 4:12). I invite you to join us on this exciting journey by sending me an email saying: “count me in John”.

Timothy 2:1-4, “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (ESV)

John Battaglia
State Minister
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John Mattaglia-Missouri



P.O. Box 891 • Jefferson City, MO 65102



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John Battaglia

Dr. John Battaglia is the Missouri State Minister with Capitol Commission, a ministry to the state and national leaders in our great nation. He received his D.Min., and M.A. from The Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. He also received a B.A. from Central Bible College.

John is an entrepreneurial leader with 30 years of experience in a variety of organizations. He served as founding pastor of two church-plants, an administrative pastor, and a senior pastor. He also started two non-profit organizations: to help care for and protect abused children, also, to help stop human trafficking. In business, he worked for Federal Express, Target Corporation, and Learfield Communications. Presently, John is an Executive Leadership Coach. He also leads the Doctor of Ministry program, as director, and Associate Professor at the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary at Evangel University.

John became a follower of Christ at the age of 15 and was called into full-time occupational ministry when he was 17. John is passionate about Jesus and living as an authentic follower of Christ. He is committed to adding value to people’s lives through discipleship, leadership, and friendship. John takes great joy when others do well.

John currently resides in Ozark, Missouri with his wife, Christine, and their three young adult children: Alaina, Brent, and Justin. John and Christine have been married for 30 years. He enjoys sports, especially visiting baseball stadiums throughout the country. He finds going to the ocean with his family both refreshing and relaxing. John also takes pleasure in traveling whether it be national or international travel.

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To: John Battaglia

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