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Welcome to ministry to Government Leaders in Michigan!

Jesus commanded his disciples to go and make disciples of all nations. For some, that may mean going to far away places, but for others that means being a witness and making disciples right in Lansing, Michigan’s Capitol. With 148 legislators from all of Michigan – from the western side of the Upper Peninsula, a 10 hour drive from Lansing, to New Buffalo, a mere two hours – and literally thousands of staff and state employees, the fields are truly ripe for harvest.

Some legislators seek to change policy direction they see as wrong, others to serve the constituents of their districts, still others because it is the “next step” to a higher office. A few have a sense of calling to a higher purpose. However, in the sovereign nature of the Lord, He often directs us out of our comfort zone, not only for our growth, but more importantly for the advancement of His Kingdom. Such is the case for some believers whom God has placed in our state legislature and state government.

Michigan’s term limits law creates a high legislator turnover every two years and a very short span of about 6 years to impact men and women for Christ. Although at first glance, that may appear as a drawback to disciple making efforts, it also provides a fairly definitive end date for relational contact. With that fact in mind, those of faith in the legislature are encouraged to consider their seatmates on the floor, in committee, and in caucus…”Where are your colleagues in their spiritual journey?” “Has the Lord placed you next to these individuals as a witness?” “Are you prepared to share you faith and the gospel message to your colleague?”

There are several Michigan prayer ministries that are fulfilling God’s command to Pray for our Leaders (1 Timothy 2.1-4). Should you desire to know more of Capitol Commission and its work in Michigan, or Michigan ministry work at the Capitol we endorse, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


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Capitol Commission • 2600 Fairview Rd Suite 200 • Raleigh, NC 27608



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To: Michigan

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