Welcome to Capitol Commission, Arkansas!
In the providence of God, this Great Commission ministry to the political leaders of Arkansas began in 2006. I praise God for the honor and privilege of serving our governing leaders, their support staff and the lobbying community, as an ambassador of Christ.
One of our ministry distinctives is that we teach expository Bible studies, and for those who desire specific help with applying God’s Word to their life, we offer biblical counsel. Our Bible studies are designed to clearly communicate the gospel and explain God’s Word within its original grammatical and historical context. We trust God to use His Word to help government leaders grow in the grace and knowledge of God. Through the study of God’s Word we believe that we can gain an accurate understanding of God, ourselves, and the world we live in.
We believe that the fruits of ministering to political leaders will be leaders who know and love God, and strive to increasingly keep God’s priorities at the forefront of their life. While the focus of this ministry is on the hearts of leaders, we believe that the fruits of this ministry will result in stronger marriages and families, healthier relationsips between the institution of the church and the institution of government, and generally better laws, as moral people tend to produce moral laws.
Another distinctive that is worth noting is this ministry’s relationship to the local church. The Lord Jesus Christ has commissioned the church to “make disciples,” thus this ministry is an extension of the local church to those serving within the political community. With this in mind, we soon hope to offer training for our church partners. This training will be designed to encourage, enable and equip believers who want to minister to their local and state level political leaders.
I have no doubt that as God transforms the churches and the political leaders of our state and nation into greater Christ-likeness, our state, nation and other nations will benefit. Will you join us in praying for “kings and all who are in authority,” since it is God Himself who has declared that He desires “all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1Timothy 2: 1-4)?
For more information please contact me,
Jason Palermo
State Minister
P.O. Box 3513 • Little Rock, AR 72203
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