Welcome to Capitol Commission Alabama!
Here in the heart of the Deep South there is widespread acknowledgment of the place of religion in our lives and culture. This helps us maintain a welcoming approach in keeping with the expectation of Southern Hospitality.
As the State Minister to Alabama, my primary goal is to encourage our State Leaders to live out Christ’s commands to love God and our neighbors fully and to truly walk in His ways. Toward that end, I make myself available to everyone, whether elected, appointed, or working on staff to follow Jesus. To keep all avenues open, our ministry’s approach is non-political and non-lobbying; everyone needs to know Jesus better, regardless of party affiliation and the current political debate. The approach for doing this is a weekly expository Bible Study during session that seeks to show the relevance of God’s Word to our modern thinking and features application for those attending or reading to grow in maturity in Christ. I am available for members of state government, their staffers, and lobbyists for prayer with me and discussions on the Kingdom of God throughout the session in Montgomery and in their home districts after session ends.
My other goal is to engage the churches of Alabama to muster concerted prayer on behalf of their representatives, in accordance with the command of 1 Timothy 2:1-4. When we pray for the salvation of our elected representatives, good law will flow from transformed hearts, allowing us to live in places known for being “peaceful and quiet… godly and dignified in every way.” To do this I have a state prayer guide in addition to the website which equips our citizens to pray for all members by name.
Thank you for your interest in our work in Alabama and for partnering with me to pray for our legislators as well as for any contributions the Lord may put on your heart to support our work. Join with us as ministry partners!
I am very happy to answer any queries and am exceedingly glad to share a newsletter update with you if you will share your email address.
Contact me at your leisure at
Grace and Peace!
Ron Comoglio
State Minister
Who is This Jesus?
John Prepares the Way for the Lord
Accounts from Mary’s Heart Treasure
Capitol Commission Gala
Carolina Country Club, 2500 Glenwood Ave, Raleigh NC 27608
PO Box 6, Valley, AL 36854-9998
Strengthen the personal ministry of a State Minister as we work to build up our state’s leaders.
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