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Join US in Praying for AMERICA! Noon Eastern, the first day of the RNC  (Monday, July 15th) and DNC (Monday, August 19th)! REGISTER FOR LINK INFO


Do you know what the term, “Sine Die” means? It literally means “without day,” and means that in Tennessee, this 114th Session has no further day on its schedule, or indefinitely. I didn’t know that when I began 10 years ago, and it reminds me that there is so much to learn in any job, and as a chaplain to the Legislature, time, service, and the blessing of God are essential to effective impact. Your prayers are crucial in that endeavor!

Our Bible studies were attended well this year, adding more Senators to the mix, and increasing the number of Representatives who participate as well. Every week I made 125 copies of our study with Scripture passages typed out in full, and distributed them personally to every Members office. That’s over 1500 times the offices in the Legislature were touched with the Word of God! So many Divine appointments occur this way with conversations that spark spiritual reflection among Members and staff.

Post-Session Pivot

After Session ends, my ministry does not! I am now working on setting up meetings with Legislators around the state. I will do lunch meetings, and asking them to invite pastors from their area, increasing encouragement, accountability and impact with them, and connections for me. Pray for fruitful participation.

I also seek to stay regularly connected and a source of inspiration and encouragement. One way I do this is to write a text that they can read once a week.

Here is one recent example:

In 1 Samuel 12:20-21, the prophet/judge tells the people that their sin in asking for a king was that they risked forgetting the LORD. “And Samuel said to the people, “Do not be afraid; you have done all this evil. Yet do not turn aside from following the LORD, but serve the LORD with all your heart. And do not turn aside after empty things that cannot profit or deliver, for they are empty.”

The great sin of leadership is believing you are the work or leader or looking at what you do as ultimate reality. In point of fact, it is a sweeping principle for all that we are to see the spiritual realities behind everything, and to remember Who is in control and what we labor for. We may seem foolish for believing that; but we are more foolish if we forget! God is always watching, and we are accountable for everything we do and more: everything we had opportunity to do and don’t! While God is merciful, we ought not take lightly the King of the Universe. He will bring blessing for walking with Him and trouble for forgetting Him. What marks the path of your feet?

Coming Up

I am working with one of our Representatives who, together with a Senator, sponsored a Joint Resolution inviting Tennesseans to a month (July) of fasting, repentance and prayer. It’s quite an initiative and one worth working toward. We are hoping many will come to Prayer gatherings at the local courthouses of each county, and that many pastors across this state will host meetings in their churches. This is very rare across America and we would appreciate your prayers for a move of God across Tennessee that might spill over into neighboring States and the Country. There has been much opposition already. This will do more to save America than any piece of legislation ever could!

View the Joint Resolution here


I will also be doing my annual Bike Ride for Tennessee in September. Lots of details have yet to be worked out for this effort, but as it is my only big event fundraiser, I need to do better in advancing awareness and participation.


As always, thanks for reading this note and for your prayers and support! If you would like to empower this work through your financial support, donate here.

Yours in the Gospel for Leaders and the rest of us,

Rev. Bill Geisel

Capitol Commission, Tennessee State Minister

1416 Tipton Station Rd

Knoxville, TN37920


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