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We are just days away from the 2024 General Election. No doubt we have all grown weary of the advertisements, the ralley’s, the news stories, the podcasts, the yard signs, the mailers, and all the rest that goes with a contentious and busy election season. Although the presidential election garners most of the attention, there are other important down-ballot elections in our state that should draw as much prayer and attention as the one on the top.
In anticipation of the fall election, we have dedicated ourselves to serving candidates around the state as they sprint to the finish line. Over the past few weeks, I have traveled to various ralley’s, fundraisers, meet and greets, and private events with as many campaigns of both parties as I can. Elections are a stressful time for candidates as many work full-time jobs and knock on thousands of doors. For those candidates running for re-election they are also campaigning and fulfilling their legislative roles. Please keep each candidate along with their families in your prayers.
Above: A selfie with Representative Emily Callaway at her recent campaign event which featured several elected leaders.
Above: Rachel Riddle running for the House of Representatives for the 71st district.
Above: Chantel Bingham running for the House of Representatives for the 56th district.
Above: Former Representatives Tom and Claudia Riner were in Frankfort recently. They are longtime supporters of Capitol Commission. It was good seeing them again.
While the upcoming election remains a priority, so are the staff at the capitol. October saw our final outreach to the capitol staff. Thanks to the generosity of Faith Baptist Church in Frankfort, we were able to serve the basement staff of the annex. We had a good turnout and were able to invite dozens of people to our Bible study, pass out gospel-rich resources, and grow our email list.
Without the support of churches like Faith Baptist Church, these outreaches would be impossible. For the third year in a roll, we have set out to serve over 500 staff members of the capitol and annex. I cannot express my gratitude to all of the donors and volunteers who have made it possible.
Above: Thanks to the generosity of Faith Baptist Church, we were able to serve the staff of the basement in the Annex which hosts nearly 150 staff members.
Although it is currently a busy time for the ministry, we are planning for next year. Soon, the 2025 General Assembly will launch featuring many new legislators and ample opportunities to minister to countless souls. Two priorites to consider as we approach the new year.
First, we are planning another prayer service in the rotunda. Last year, our Pray First service was well attended despite the bomb threat (for more on the event, visit this link from Kentucky Today). We are hoping to host a similar event for the 2025 General Assembly. It is tentivly scheduled for January 7 at 11 am – one hour before the first day of the session. As the date approaches, we will have more details.
Secondly, the growth of our staff Bible study and the possibility of adding more in 2025 means we are in need of financial assistance. I am launching the “25 in 2025” campaign that is seeking churches and other donors to either sponsor a single Bible study lunch or donate. If you are interested, please let me know.
On January 7, 2025 we will kick the 2025 General Assembly off with a special time of worship and prayer. Make plans to join us.
The blessed growth of the ministry means we are in need of more financial support. We are looking for 25 donors (or churches) to sponsor our weekly staff lunch or to donate.
Two final updates are necessary. First, I was interviewed by Baptist Press regarding pastors engaging public square issues from the pulpit. I am grateful they reached out and trust I represented the gospel well. You can read the article by visiting their website here.
Finally, Senator Johnnie Turner (pictured above with my daughter) passed away following a serious accident at his home. He was a friend of the ministry and good to his constituents. Please keep his family and district in your prayers.
More could be said regarding October as the needs at our capitol are great. I am grateful to be part of what God is doing at our state capitol and the donors who make it possible.
If you would like to support us, you can begin by praying for our elected leaders by signing up at Pray 1 Tim 2. If you want to financially support us, you can donate by clicking the button below. I am always looking to partner with local churches, ministries, groups, and others to reach the capitol for Christ. If interested, please let me know.
As always, you can follow the ministry on Facebook which is updated daily or visit the other social media links below. I am grateful for your continued support. Together, let us reach every soul for Christ.
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Test Brad Harbaugh
Capitol Commission 2600 Fairview Rd Suite 200 Raleigh, NC 27608