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Join US in Praying for AMERICA! Noon Eastern, the first day of the RNC  (Monday, July 15th) and DNC (Monday, August 19th)! REGISTER FOR LINK INFO


The month of May is coming to a close which means the primary election has concluded and we are quickly approaching the summer season. The election was a prominent one setting the stage for the general election. Every election is a busy time for the ministry as we travel around the state to build relationships with incumbants and candidates alike. Please keep the victors in your prayers as well as those who were not successful.

The most prominent event of the past month was the first of several outreaches targeting the staff of the capitol. For the third year, we are venturing towards engaging the entire capitol community during the interim period with a free lunch in an effort to grow our weekly Bible study and the meet the staff. First up was the capitol staff who were served boxed lunches from Penn Station.

I want to thank Oakland Christian Church for volunteering to help minister to the staff. They helped organize the tables, passed out food, took photos, and helped visitors sign up for our weekly email. Without their help, hosting an effective outreach would have been next to impossible. Capitol Commission relies on volunteers and donors to minister to the capitol community.

Please pray for the effectiveness of these outreaches. The next will come in June and target the fourth floor of the Annex. I am still in need of donors and volunteers as we hope to reach beyond the capitol to include the staff of our constitutional officers. If interested, please let me know.

Each month we are endeavoring to engage with every staff member of the capitol and annex. We began with the capitol staff feeding 75. Thank you to the donors who make such outreaches possible.

During the interim period, we prioritize visiting with each constitutional officer and their staff. Some of these officers are new to the position following the 2023 election. Two newly elected leaders are Treasurer Mark Metcalf and Auditor Allison Ball. The latter served two terms as treasurer and is beginning her first term as auditor. Some officers, like the attorney general and secretary of state, have an office at the capitol while others do not. I am grateful for each taking time out of their busy schedule to meet with me. Please keep each of them in prayer.

Allison Ball is our state Auditor. She is new to the office after serving two terms as our state treasurer. I had the opportunity to visit with her recently. I have prayed with many civic leaders. She might be the first to offer to pray for me in return.

More could be said regarding May as the needs at our capitol are great. I am grateful to be part of what God is doing at our state capitol and the donors who make it possible.

If you would like to support us, you can begin by praying for our elected leaders by signing up at Pray1Tim2. If you want to financially support us, you can donate by clicking the button below. I am always looking to partner with local churches, ministries, groups, and others to reach the capitol for Christ. If interested, please let me know. 

As always, you can follow the ministry on Facebook or visit the other social media links below. I am grateful for your continued support. Together, let us reach every soul for Christ.


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