The present time is in an exceptional period of history, and necessitates now more than ever for God’s people – the church – to be the “salt of the earth” and “light of the world” that, in his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus commissioned us to be. First Thessalonians 1 gives praise to a local church with a resolute testimony that 2000 years later continues to bear fruit. The reason is because the word of the Lord sounded forth from them (v. 8). To “sound forth” suggests the sound of a trumpet or of thunder, as if to reverberate like our echo; it implies a sound that is continuing to sound forth like music from an amplifier.
Scripture stated of this model church, “in every place your faith toward God has gone forth, so that we have no need to say anything.” What was the reason for this marvelous testimony? The answer is given in verses 9 and 10. The Bible says, “you turned to God from idols to serve a living and true God.” Idols today may differ in form, but they still epitomize all that people believe constitutes a good life in the absence of God.
The combining of the words, “turned to God from idols,” is important because it is possible to merely turn from idols, but it is not likely that one would be successful with any lasting value, because another idol, such as religious pride, would quickly replace the idol. However, if one turns to God and also from idols, then the believer replaces the idols with God Himself. Finally, the Bible says this model church was waiting for God’s Son – Jesus Christ – from heaven. Scripture does not say that the church was idle and simply looking into the sky. To wait means “to be continuously waiting.” The more complete meaning is “to remain alert” or “expect.” To “wait” conveys the idea of expectation.
Another meaning of “wait” is to realize that all you do will be rewarded or rejected by the Lord Jesus Christ at his second coming. Such realization provides the highest purpose for all that you do. Nothing is wasted or useless in terms of eternity. Everything you do in your private and public life counts for something. The Thessalonian believers expected Jesus to return for them in their lifetimes. Of course, Christ did not return, but they had every reason to expect his return. For over two thousand years of church history, the church has been able to say that the return of the Lord may be today, it may be tomorrow, or it may occur years from now. Plan as if the Lord were not returning for many years, but live your life thinking, “perhaps today.”
What a remarkable church! What kind of impact would we have in our world if our testimony were resolute like this model church? Our world desperately needs to hear the Word of God “sound forth” in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction.
Your Missionary-Pastor to Our Leaders,
Ron J. Bigalke, Ph.D.
Capitol Commission Georgia