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Kentucky Capitol Update-January 2025

Greetings from Capitol Commission Kentucky

It is the start of a new year and that means legislators are returning to Frankfort for session. The 2025 General Assembly officially launched in early January and met for four days and will return in February for the rest of session. This year will be a short session of only 30 days. Nevertheless, it will be a busy and hectic time in Frankfort.

We had hoped to begin session with a special time of prayer and worship but due to the winter storm we were not able to hold our event. Though disappointed, we had no other choice. Roads were still poor and travel was difficult. I am thankful for those who planned on attending. We will certainly try again next year.

One of our priorities this session is delivering pesronalized Bibles to all 138 legislators. Thanks to the generosity of Understanding the Word ministry who provided the Bibles, we are able to meet with and bless each legislator. This is a monumental task, but an exciting one. Already we have delivered dozens of Bibles with many more to come. These Bibles have been well received and they continue to open new doors of ministry. Moving forward we hope to donate Bibles to each freshman legislator ensuring that every elected leader has a copy of God’s Word.

With the launch of session, we are looking forward to relaunching the legislator Bible study. Final details are still being ironed out and we are looking to rebuild on last year’s study. The staff study has picked up where it left off from last year. Although the legislator Bible study continues only during session, the staff study meets year-round. During session, we move to a smaller room to accommodate other groups meeting since our attendance normally drops. To our great surprise, we packed out the room and even ran out of chairs. I continue to be amazed at all the Lord is doing through the staff Bible study as more continue to join us.

More could be said regarding January. I am grateful to be part of what God is doing at our state capitol and the donors who make it possible.

If you would like to support us, you can begin by praying for our elected leaders by signing up at Pray 1 Tim 2. If you want to financially support us, you can donate by clicking the button below. I am always looking to partner with local churches, ministries, groups, and others to reach the capitol for Christ. If interested, please let me know.

As always, you can follow the ministry on Facebook which is updated daily or visit the other social media links below. I am grateful for your continued support. Together, let us reach every soul for Christ.

Kyle McDanell, Capitol Commission Kentucky State Minister

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